Country: Colombia
Cupping Notes: Gummy bears, cherries, red fruit, sugar cane
Finca: El Mirador
Roast Type: Light / Medium
Bean Variety: Pink Bourbon
Bean Process: Natural
Very few things are as tasty as a naturally processed Pink Bourbon from Colombia.
This coffee comes to us from Monica Diaz Ruiz who was literally born on the coffee farm in Pitalito she inherited from her parents. She studied agronomy and returned to the family farm after graduating. Her and her husband are now laser focused on producing high-quality coffee. This lot really underlines that point. Her farm is small, only 1.5 hectares and produces about 28 bags of coffee a year. But boy are those 28 bags tasty.
Grown at 1650MASL, Pink Bourbon varietal, naturally processed and then dried on parabolic beds. If you know, you know. That's a recipe for success.
This is a really clean and sweet coffee. We get wonderful notes of gummy bears, cherries, red fruit, sugar cane. It's delicious. Doesn't taste to fermented at all, but still has all the fruit notes we love in a natural. This is a knockout.